If you’ve ever wondered why you have a slow PC, you’re really talking about your “PC performance.” PC performance is how well a computer does the work it’s designed to do, compared to the time and resources that should be needed to complete a desired task.
The most common way to measure your computer’s performance is to look at three things: CPU processing times, how much memory it uses, and its bootup times.
The CPU is the “brain” that powers the computer and executes or “processes” everything a computer does, from playing games, surfing the Internet, doing word processing, and more. CPUs have become more powerful and less expensive in recent years, and most PCs can easily perform common tasks without slowing down your computer. However, too many unnecessary or hidden programs running at the same time can slow down your CPU.
Memory usage is another important part of PC performance. While programs, files and other important information are stored on your PC’s hard drive, your computer also relies on a different kind of memory called RAM to actually help run programs. More programs running at the same time on your PC means more memory gets used up, and this can slow your computer down.
Bootup time, or how long it takes your PC start up, is another key part of assessing computer performance. Often considered a major annoyance by PC users, glacial bootup times are often caused by too many unnecessary or hidden programs running as your computer starts up.
Every little thing can impact PC performance, but luckily there are tools out there like PC TuneUp Maestro that can help simplify the task of running your computer more smoothly.