Internet Explorer Repair

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PC TuneUp Maestro provides several operational tasks to restore Internet Explorer browsing speed and repair issues.


Start the Internet Explorer Repair tool by doing the following:

From the Fix & Clean page, click the Internet Explorer Repair link.


You now have the following tools to choose from:


toggle_expand_16   Fix Internet Explorer Runtime Errors

There are situations where Internet Explorer generates a runtime error.  This kind of issue originates when you browse to a webpage that contains programming errors or, on some occasion, script errors can occur when downloading the webpage (in which case you should begin by clicking the Refresh button or click F5).  If the error persists you can use PC TuneUp Maestro to easily fix the error.

To fix runtime errors, do the following:

1.Click the Fix button.
2.Click OK.


notes To fix this type of issues, we recommend that you turn off script debugging in Internet Explorer so as to not be repeatedly bothered by server-side runtime errors: open Internet Explorer and go to Tools | Internet Options and under the Advanced tab select the desired options.   See your operating system help file for more information.


toggle_expand_16   Reset Internet Explorer

notes  This tool is not available for Internet Explorer 6.


You can return Internet Explorer to its original "factory-installed" state.  It usually solves common performance problems and errors that are caused by the installation of too many add-ons, accelerators, search providers, etc.

notes To begin you will need to turn off all instances of Internet Explorer.

To reset Internet Explorer, do the following:

1.Click the Reset button.
2.In the dialog that appears, confirm that you are wanting to reset all the settings by reviewing the list.  You can also choose to delete personal settings by selecting the corresponding check box.
3.You can choose to get more information by clicking the link: How does resetting affect my computer?
4.Click the Reset button.
5.Click OK.


toggle_expand_16   Launch Internet Explorer without Add-ons

notes  This tool is not available for Internet Explorer 6.


You can run a temporary Internet Explorer session without any add-ons, toolbars, or Browser Help Object.  This provides a good preview of how your browser can perform without all these extra items and it gives you an idea of whether there are any add-ons you will miss if you choose to reset the browser to its original default state with add-ons disabled.

To temporarily disable add-ons, do the following:

1.Click the Launch button.
2.An Internet Explorer browser opens.  After you are finished browsing, close the browser window to restore the add-ons.


notes All Internet Explorer add-ons are disabled including ActiveX controls and toolbars.  As a result, some webpages may not display correctly.


About Add-ons:

toggle_expand_16   Microsoft states the following about add-ons including those that malfunction or contain spyware:

Add-ons, also known as ActiveX controls, browser extensions, browser helper objects or toolbars, can improve your experience on a website by enabling content such as high-quality animations.  However, some add-ons can also malfunction or display content that you don’t want, such as pop-up ads.


When an add-on, such as a toolbar, is installed on your computer, it becomes part of your browser and operating system. In some cases these programs might contain spyware.  In the worst case, a malfunctioning add-on might affect the performance of your computer or cause problems accessing the Internet.


In some cases, add-ons can be pre-approved from Microsoft or the computer manufacturer, your Internet provider, or even from a network administrator.  You can view the pre-approved list by going to Tools | Manage Add-ons and under Show click the down arrow and select Run without permission.  Once you have viewed the list, click Close.


Choosing whether to include web browser add-ons is entirely up to you the user.  We recommend that you preview how the browser behaves without any add-ons.  If you are not experiencing any benefit from having these on your web browser toolbar, you could choose to remove them.  If you want to re-enable an add-on, go to Tools | Manage Add-ons and select an add-on and click the Enable button.



toggle_expand_16   Restore Internet Explorer Favorites Bar


In the situations where the Internet Explorer Favorites bar is hidden, you can have it be displayed in the menus area – the top portion of the browser.   This is especially useful when the menu bar is also hidden and toggling the favorites and other menus on and off is a challenge.

To restore the IE Favorites bar, do the following:

1.Click the Restore button.
2.Click Launch Internet Explorer.


An Internet Explorer browser is opened with the Favorites bar displayed.  Also, the Favorites window is displayed with the full list of saved favorites in view.


toggle_expand_16   Find The Favorites Folder


The Favorites folder for IE stores all your website favorites (links that you have created for favorite website pages).  You can easily open the folder so it appears in a Windows Explorer window and you can view the items stored within.

To open the IE Favorites folder, do the following:

Click the Open button.


toggle_expand_16   Enable Internet Explorer JavaScript


Almost all web sites these days contain JavaScript.  This is a scripting program language that runs on your web browser (Internet Explorer) and enables certain aspects of the web pages to be functional.  If it becomes disabled the content or functionality of the web site you are visiting will be disabled in whole or in part.

To re-enable IE JavaScript, do the following:

1.Click the Fix button.
2.Click Launch Internet Explorer.