About Page

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When you click the About button located at the top right of the Main Menu page, the About page is displayed.  The Product Information and Product Support sections vary depending on whether you are running the licensed version of the product or the trial version.


The trial version of the program offers several tools to give you an idea of how to use the program and to determine the condition of your PC.  When you unlock the full potential of PC TuneUp Maestro you can receive all the benefits of a  defragmented and optimized PC system.




Select one of the following:


toggle_expand_16   Product information - Trial version

This section includes the following information:



Options and Information:

Product version

Description: Product build number for identification.
Options: The "Check Product Updates" button is available.  When you click this the program checks for any recent updates and prompts to update in the event one is available.

License status

Options: You have a "Purchase a License" button available to open a web browser to a page where you can purchase the product securely online.

License number

Description: "N/A" (Not Applicable).  After you purchase a license an email is sent to you and you can use the "Register Now" button to activate the license key.



toggle_expand_16   Product information - Full version

This section includes the following information:



Options and Information:

Product version

Description: Product build number for identification.
Options: The "Check Product Updates" button is available.  When you click this the program checks for any recent updates and prompts to update in the event one is available.

License status

Description: The program verifies that you are running a licensed version.

Options: The "Update License Status" button is available.  When you click this the program checks your license and updates the status.

License number

Description: The license number is provided.


notes Product updates are free with a purchased full version of PC TuneUp Maestro.  Click the Check Product Updates button.


Select one of the following:


toggle_expand_16   Product support - Trial version

While running the trial version, product support is limited.  You do have two available support tools

To access the Product Support tools, do the following:

Click the Get Product Support button and select one of the drop down options.


Your options include:

Get Online Product Support: takes you to the CompuClever Support Center.
Launch the Remote Assistance Tool: downloads the Remote Assistance tool and connects you to a CompuClever Support Specialist who can access your PC remotely so as to work with you in solving any issues.



toggle_expand_16   Product support - Full version

This section includes the following information: "Product update & support: Valid Until" date.

You also have three available product support tools.

To access the Product Support tools, do the following:

Click the Get Product Support button and select one of the drop down options.


Your options include:

Get Online Product Support: takes you to the CompuClever Support Center.
Submit PC Error Report: see Submit PC Error Report for more information.
Launch the Remote Assistance Tool: downloads the Remote Assistance tool and connects you to a CompuClever Support Specialist who can access your PC remotely so as to work with you in solving any issues.