Fix-it Center

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This section provides an overview of how to use the Fix-it Center.  The best approach to use with the Fix-it Center is to have some general knowledge of the PC issue you are faced with so that you can search for a specific fix for it.  You will need to locate the PC error from the list, review the information on it to confirm the error solution, and then apply the PC TuneUp Maestro fix.  There is a complete and comprehensive list of available tools for many types of PC errors.  This list can also be found online; it is live and updated on a regular basis.


Available List Online

This list of PC error support tools is available here: go to Fix-it Center online. You will find information on PC errors and the solution offered.  By clicking any of the underlined titles you open up a new tab with even more detailed information on that PC problem.  When you click any of the green Fix Now buttons, the solution includes downloading the program and opening the application to the required solution.  However, if you have an up-to-date version of PC TuneUp Maestro, you can simply use the Fix-it Center directly.


This section consists of three pages the last two involve the use of the search function in the Fix-it Center.  They are included here as they are useful for diagnosing your PC.

Manage My Tools

To manage tools previously downloaded.

System Information

To view system information for diagnosing your computer and troubleshooting issues.

Resource Monitor

To monitor resources for diagnosing and troubleshooting issues.


Getting Started

You can access the PC TuneUp Maestro Fix-it Center by selecting "Fix-it Center" in the navigation bar of the Main Menu.  The window appears as seen here:




With the Fix-it Center window open you can navigate to best find the solution you require.

Finding the Error Item

You need to navigate through the Solutions list to find the PC error you are facing.  There are two main methods of doing this: selecting an item directly from the list or by using the search function.

The List:

You can find the item you are looking for directly from the list of PC errors.  You can simply scroll down the "All Solutions" list in the main area.  The items are grouped in categories: Fix PC Errors, Optimization, Open Files, Web Browsers.  If you know the category of the error you are searching, you can bring up the items in that category.

To search for your item within a specific category, do the following:

Click the Category name in the navigational panel located on the left side of the window.


You can also use the search function to find the item you are looking for.

To use the Search function, do the following:

Enter a keyword or phrase in the Search text box provided and click Search.


For example, you can enter a word like "crash" if you are experiencing a PC crash error, or you can enter a phrase like "slow Internet" and items related to your search will be presented.  We have provided two instructions on using the Search function to display System Information and Resource Monitor windows.

Review and Fix

Once you have examined the list and picked an Error solution, you can review the information and proceed to apply the fix.

To review the information available on a specific error solution, do the following:

Click the title of the error solution (the title will be underlined as you move your cursor over it).


The information that is displayed will include: a description of the problem, the solution, and what it specifically fixes.  Once you have a clear idea about the details of the solution you can proceed to applying the Fix-it Center tool solution.

To apply the solution, do the following:

Click the Fix Now button and follow any instructions and necessary steps as directed.


toggle_expand_16   When do I use the Fix-it Center?

The Fix-it Center is a go to solution resource when you have a specific PC issue that needs to be resolved.  Other tools available with  PC TuneUp Maestro involve repair or optimization of a specific area of your PC (such as hard drive or registry), in this case you are seeking a particular solution to a specific PC error.  For example, you may be experiencing a system crash or you are getting error messages.  This is the place to search for the solution.  There could be a solution here that works directly to solve your issue.



System Information


toggle_expand_16   What is the System Information tool?

The System Information tool is a utility that is native to your operating system.  It's function is to collect information about your computer system including: hardware resources (such as memory), components (modems, ports, USB, CD-ROM, etc), software environment (drivers, print jobs, network connections, services, and more), as well other system summary categories specific to your system.  You can use this tool to diagnose computer issues.   For example, if you are having display issues, you can identify the display adapter installed and to view the status of its associated drivers.


There is also a history of device drivers that were installed on your computer.  When uncertain about the recent history of your system, you can use System Information to identify what  happened previously.   There are also tools you can use to  troubleshoot computer issues.  There is also a help file that you can access to find out more about all the available functionality


toggle_expand_16   What is the Resource Monitor tool?

The Resource Monitor is a utility that is native to your operating system.  It displays resource monitors including CPU, memory, disk, and network usage.  It also includes a system monitor and Performance Logs and Alerts.  The Resource Monitor is a useful tool for those who take an active role in administering their computers as you can better service and manage networks, computers, services, and other system components.