Registry Repair

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PC TuneUp Maestro  optimizes the functioning of your system registry.   The Registry Repair tool involves scanning for registry issues, presenting results for you to review, selecting which items you want to repair, and then fixing the items.  You have the option of ignoring items so that they are sent to the Ignore List and not included in upcoming scans.


toggle_expand_16   Registry Repair and the Smart TuneUp


You can also run a Registry Repair when performing a Smart TuneUp.  In doing so you have the opportunity to run multiple functions at once and we recommend using it if you want to run tools consecutively including Registry Repair, System TuneUp, Internet TuneUp, and Registry Defrag.  See the Smart TuneUp section for more.  


Starting a Registry Repair Scan

To begin, we will look at how to start a registry scan, how to cancel a scan, and how to review and select detected items for repair.


Start a Registry Repair scan by doing the following:

From the Fix & Clean page, click the Registry Repair link.


You need to allow sufficient time for the scan to complete.

Cancel a Scan

You can cancel a scan after it has started.  Any items that are detected prior to cancelling the scan are displayed in the scan results.

To cancel a scan do the following:

Click the Cancel button.

notes  In some cases a message may appear asking you to wait while the application processes your request to cancel.

Results: Registry Errors Detected

When a Registry Repair scan is complete, the results are displayed.  In some cases errors are detected and a total is displayed at the top of the Results page.  You can view the results and you can select the items you want to fix.


Results are grouped in categories similar to this screenshot:



toggle_expand_16   Category Items Summary




Expanding plus sign

Click this to expand the category to display the complete list of items.

Category name

The name of the category; for example, "COM/ActiveX Entries"


Total count of repair items detected.


Total count of items selected to be repaired.

Select All

notes  By default all items are selected to be repaired.

Clear this check box so that no items are selected to be repaired.  Alternatively, if you have no items checked, you can click the check box to include all items in the repair.


Fixing Registry Items

While you are reviewing the registry errors you can choose to clear the items you do not want fixed.  You also have the option of sending items to the Ignore list so they are not detected in upcoming scans.  See the Ignore List page for more.

Select Items

By default all items are selected in the Results list.  You can choose to clear any item so it is not included when fixing registry errors.

To clear an item, do the following:

1.Click a plus sign of a category in the list to expand it (or double-click the category heading).
2.Do one of the following:
Clear the associated check box.
Right-click an entry in the list and select Clear Item.


You can also choose to clear all items in a category.

To clear all items in a category do the following:

Clear the associated Select All check box.

Ignore Items

You can send items to the Ignore list so they are not fixed and not included in upcoming scans.

To ignore an item, do the following:

1.Click a plus sign of a category in the list to expand it (or double-click the category heading).
2.Right-click an item in the list and select Ignore.

Fixing Items

When you have finished reviewing and selecting items, you can then fix the registry errors.

important  Making changes to the system registry can involve risk to the overall functioning of your computer.  To provide a level of safety, PC TuneUp Maestro automatically creates a system restore point.  See Backup & Restore to learn more.


To fix the selected registry errors, do the following:

Click the Fix Items button.


When the repair is complete the results are displayed including the total items found, total fixed and total ignored.  You can then click the "Main Menu" button to continue using the program.


Bulb Bright Now that you have successfully cleaned your registry we recommend that you defrag it for greater efficiency and performance.  See Registry Defrag for more.