The Smart TuneUp utility is a great starting place to access and launch the PC TuneUp Maestro tools you are most likely to use again and again. Below you can find out about the status information that is displayed and you can get instructions on how to use Smart TuneUp.
Smart TuneUp Status
The Smart TuneUp status provides a brief summary of your previous scan including how long ago your last scan was, the issues fixed, and a recommendation (for example, you may be given a recommendation to scan again and fix outstanding issues). The shading of the status area is different depending if there are detected issues that have not been addressed. If for example there are identified issues that require your attention the background shading is red.
If you perform a scan and fix in another area of the program, for example if you scan and fix the registry from the Fix & Clean section, the status will be updated on the Main Menu page.
View Report
There is a link that you can click to view a report of the last scan. It provides information on the number of items detected (in their perspective categories), number of items fixed, and the resulting status. There is a "Re-Scan All" button available here to start a new scan based on the selections made in the Main Menu.
Using Smart TuneUp
Getting started is easy.
To start a Smart TuneUp scan do the following:
1. | Select the Smart TuneUp tools you want. By default, all the tools are selected and you can clear a check box of any item to not include it. |
2. | Click the Start button. |
You can follow the scanning in progress to see the items that are detected. You can also switch to other computer tasks while the scan runs.
Smart TuneUp tools include:
Registry Repair:
To identify registry issues and fix them.
System TuneUp:
To discover any opportunities to optimize system performance.
Internet TuneUp:
To discover any opportunities to optimize Internet performance.
Registry Defrag:
To analyze whether your registry is fragmented and to defrag it.
Cancel the Scan
You can cancel the scan at any point.
To cancel the scan do the following:
Click the Cancel button.
Scan and Analysis Results
When the scan is complete the Results page is displayed.
Review and Select Items
You can review all the results in each category listed in the report.
To review results, do the following:
1. | Click the category listed in the navigation bar on the left. |
2. | For items you do not want to have fixed, clear the associated check box. |
Cancel and Return
If you do not want to fix items you can choose to return to the Main Menu page.
To cancel and return to the Main Menu page, do the following:
Click the Cancel button.
Select Items to Fix
As you navigate to one or more Smart TuneUp components, you can select which items you want to include to be fixed. For the Registry Repair, System TuneUp, and Internet TuneUp tools you can also choose to ignore items and have them sent to the Ignore list so they are not detected in upcoming scans. Refer to the instructions below and check out the Ignore List page for more.
You can not select, clear, or ignore items listed in the Registry Fragmentation section.
To clear an item in the Registry Repair, System TuneUp, and Internet TuneUp sections, do the following:
1. | Click a plus sign of a category in the list to expand it (or double-click the category heading). |
2. | Do one of the following: |
• | Clear the associated check box. |
• | Right-click an entry in the list and select Clear Item. |
You can also choose to clear all items in a category.
To clear all items in the Registry Repair, System TuneUp, and Internet TuneUp sections, do the following:
Clear the associated Select All check box.
Ignore Items
You can send items to the Ignore list so they are not fixed and not included in upcoming scans.
To ignore an item in the Registry Repair, System TuneUp, and Internet TuneUp sections, do the following:
1. | Click a plus sign of a category in the list to expand it (or double-click the category heading). |
2. | Right-click an item in the list and select Ignore. |
Fix Items
Once you have reviewed the results and made your selections, fixing items is easy.
To fix the selected items and to defrag any detected registry fragmentation, do the following:
Click the Fix Items button.
If the Fix operation includes a Registry Defrag, System TuneUp, or Internet TuneUp item, a message is displayed. It states that for changes to take effect you need to close all applications that are open (save all your data), and restart your computer. Delaying this can have an impact to the integrity of your system files. You have the following options:
a. | You can click Cancel or switch the focus to other applications, save your data, close your programs and restart the system manually. |
b. | If you have no other applications running, click the OK button, and have PC TuneUp Maestro restart your system automatically. |
When you have restarted your computer you can launch PC TuneUp Maestro and use other functions. And now that you have some familiarity with the functionality of this multi-faceted tool, you can schedule regular automatic scans using the Smart TuneUp Schedule.