Main Menu

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The Main Menu page is your starting place.  From here you can choose which of the functions you want to use.  You have the options to minimize, expand, or close the window.  When the Main Menu page first appears, the Smart TuneUp page is displayed.  Click on a thumbnail picture below to display a larger image of the Main Menu window.




Registered Version



The menu bar on the left can be used to navigate to any program function you choose including:


Smart TuneUp

Open File

Fix & Clean


Fix-it Center

Privacy & Security




You can also access the About Page and this Help file from the top right tabs.




Trial Version

Minimize, Expand, Close

The top right buttons are standard window buttons.  You can minimize the window to the taskbar, expand it to full screen size, and you can close it.


notes If you have issues that were detected and you close the application, a dialog comes up giving you the option to minimize the application to the system tray.  In this way you can "store" it as a reminder.  If you want to change this behaviour, see: Options.

System Tray Icon

When the program is minimized to the system tray it will be displayed as one of two types of icons depending on the state.





Normal state: There are no issues detected.


Errors:  There are unresolved system errors that require your attention.


notes You can right-click the system tray icon and choose to launch or exit the program.